Vitals and info

                       Department of Electrical Engineering
                       Sharif University of Technology

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Course vitals and information

The course consists of 3 hours of lectures per week.

       Homework assignments: 15%
       Attendance and Quizzes: 10%
       Midterm exam 35%
       Final exam 40%

       Rashid M. H., "Power Electronics: Circuits, Devices and Applications," 3rd edition, Prentice Hall, 2004.

Reference books:
The following references will each cover parts of the course too. They are listed in no particular order of importance:

Other Matters

Academic Honesty and Plagiarism
Plagiarism is the unacknowledged use of other people's work, including the copying of assignment works and laboratory results from other students. Plagiarism is considered a serious offence by the University and severe penalties may apply. For more information about plagiarism, please refer to http://www.lc.sharif.ir/plagiarism.
All submitted reports and assignments must have an attached cover-sheet that declares that the work detailed in the report/assignment is entirely that of the named student(s) only. The form is available from the web site of Electrical Engineering Department.

Continual Course Improvement
Students are advised that the course is under constant revision in order to improve the learning outcomes of its students. Please forward any feedback on the course to the course convener or via the Course and Teaching Evaluation and Improvement Process.

Administrative Matters
On issues and procedures regarding such matters as special needs, equity and diversity, occupational heath and safety, enrolment, rights, and general expectations of students, please refer to the School policies, see http://ee.sharif.edu.ir/

Industrial Electronics
   EE 25213